Friday, July 9, 2010

Attack of the six foot chickens... I took the chick picture this spring in my kitchen and the picture of the store front around the same time in North Conway, NH. I'm sure you can tell I just copied the same chicken multiple times. What I thought was really cool was using layers I could pick which chick was in the fore ground.

This is a picture of my daughter. She hates this picture because it makes her look funky. I copied each of her eyes first and thought it was cool looking, then when i copied her mouth it just made it hard to look at but still cool.


  1. The second picture literally makes me dizzy. The chicks are cool, but the lighting on them is darker than the lighting in the background. It's not bad though.

  2. Very cool images. My eyes still hurt from the the pictures of your daughter, the more I tried to focus on it the harder it was to do so. everyone seems to be way better at this photoshop stuff than i am.

  3. I am going to agree with everyone else. My eyes had a hard time focusing in on the photo of your daughter. I really think it’s good though. And, the photo of the chicks is just ridiculous. That’s funny. I think that you did a great job on this assignment.

  4. That picture of your daughter is a definate mind trip! I think it's a pretty cool affect! The chickens are cool too! You might to darken them a little, but not bad!

  5. The picture of your daughter is hard to look at, but I thought you did great with it. It looks like you really took your time when copying her eyes and mouth, and positioned them exactly where you wanted them. The picture of the chicks is neat, too. It would have been cool if you could have scaled them down to size so it looked like a real picture. Good job.

  6. I like the picture of your daughters eyes -- it was hard to look at, but great job.

  7. Your attack of the chicken image is cool. Your daughter's image is neat as well. It is amazing the effects you can add to a basic image.

  8. It seems so funny to me that we are all having such a hard time looking at the picture of your daughter. Our minds cant comprehend a human face with four eyes and two mouths. Its dizzying. You did a great job and made it look almost... normal haha.

  9. I know Nathan. Even looking at her with one eye closed doesn't help. It literally makes me dizzy. It is funny that we can't make this work in our minds, I have no idea how it would make us feel dizzy!!

  10. Wow. I never would have thought to manipulate someone's face like that! Usually we want to alter the shot to fix a minor flaw or something, not make them look unnatural. (funny side comment, that 1-800-contacts commercial about the "special eyes" came on while I looked at this picture. I found it very ironic)
